Hello Reader, It's your Social Media & Creative Sis, Jenae! IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME... I SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT YOU-- WITHOUT A DOPE BEAT TO STEP TO--OR without the tea on all things content marketing and SayQuoi, so, let's get into it! FIRST OF ALL, at my CORE; I am an artist and a creative. I want to make it extremely clear that I stand with everyone fighting to get the recognition, residuals, payment, and RESPECT that they deserve. Period. That being said...Because I'm chronically online (so...
over 1 year ago • 4 min read
Hello Reader, It's your Social Media & Creative Sis, Jenae! IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME... I SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT YOU-- WITHOUT A DOPE BEAT TO STEP TO--OR without the tea on all things content marketing and SayQuoi, so, let's get into it! FIRST OF ALL, at my CORE; I am an artist and a creative. I want to make it extremely clear that I stand with everyone fighting to get the recognition, residuals, payment, and RESPECT that they deserve. Period. That being said...Because I'm chronically online (so...
over 1 year ago • 4 min read
Hello Reader, It's your Social Media & Creative Big Sis, Jenae! I didn't have it in me to do a surprise drop at midnight like our respective Renaissance Queen, Beyonce... But you, my amazing subscribers, still get the juicy first dibs to something near and dear to my heart... ....I'mma need y'all on TEN for this!!! Let's get into it! 🎉 THE SAYQUOI COACHING PROGRAM IS NOW LIVE for Newsletter Subscribers, ONLY- --andddddd... The first 10 people to subscribe get 10% OFF! 🤯 You read that right,...
almost 2 years ago • 3 min read
Hello Reader, It's your Social Media & Creative Big Sis, Jenae! Turner. Knowles. Aguilera. Fey. Belcher. Marie. ...Iconic gamechanging TINA's that were disruptors of industry, who noticed EVERYTHING, and made history off of their observations and talents. I'm taking my lead off of some of my favorite Tina girlies (yes I know Teena Marie had e's instead of a standalone 'i' but werk with me here), and am dropping a new SayQuoi series: T. I. N. A. or Things I've Noticed About: ... Let's get into...
almost 2 years ago • 5 min read
Hello Reader, It's your Social Media & Creative Big Sis, Jenae! Either you've been living under a rock, or you've been accosted with memes and remixes to Ariana DeBose's now infamous BAFTA musical number.... Is it cringe?... Maybe. ..But is it genius? YES, YES and more YASSSS! Let's get into it! ➡️ Leaning Into The Meme... ➡️ Getting meme'd is likely a celebrity's worst nightmare... ...But, the implications behind having your not-so-amazing moments become one of the top moments of the year...
about 2 years ago • 5 min read
Hello Reader, It's your Social Media & Creative Big Sis, Jenae! ..."don't act like you for--GOT!..." 😆 Rihanna ain't the only girly makin' a comeback this week! I took a brief hiatus from the newsletter to handle some exciting new business, to recover from Covid (OOF), and put the pedal to the metal for 2023. 🔥 Did ya miss me?! Fret not...I'm BACK; and ready to give you all I've got! Let's get into it! ➡️ 4 Reasons Why I Use Rihanna as a Case Study For My Clients: ➡️ Rihanna is THE definition...
about 2 years ago • 5 min read
Hello Reader, It's your Social Media & Creative Big Sis, Jenae! ...and just like that... It's 2023! 🤯 2022 was such a huge learning experience for me (and subesquently, for SayQuoi)--so, you know I couldn't send you all off into a brand new year (and into the very EVE of my birthday!!)-- without some awesome social media and personal growth tools that I utilize, myself-- so you can have them at your access and ensure smooth sailing into January, and beyond! Let's get into it! 📱 15 Social...
about 2 years ago • 7 min read
Hello Reader, It's your Social Media & Creative Big Sis, Jenae! There is SO MUCH to celebrate right now, I didn't even know what to do with myself! With the holidays, the New Year, AND my birthday coming in just a few days, I wanted to do something that would set you all up extremely well for 2023 and help make this your best year online yet! SO, I channeled that energy into not one--not two or three---but FOUR high-value sales. As subscribers, you get first grabs at these SayQuoi exclusives!...
about 2 years ago • 3 min read
Hello Reader, It's your Social Media & Creative Big Sis, Jenae! I don't know about you all, but, SayQuoi is having quite the incredible week! We're passing Notes 👀 , partying the night away, and getting ready for 2023... Let's get into it! (Super bonus points if you can name the song from the lyric in this email's subject line)... 😆 { SayQuoi, SayCheeseeeee! } 📸 😝 SayQuoi Hot Tip of the Week: Did you know that Instagram recently rolled out a 'Notes' feature for direct messages? What Does that...
about 2 years ago • 4 min read